Monday, October 31

Kura Happ at Club Raro

Kura Happ is a talented Cook Islands singer/songwriter. She performs regularly at various restaurants around Rarotonga – I’ve seen her at the Windjammer and Tang (the recently opened tapas bar at the Crown Beach Resort).
I don’t usually like live bands in restaurants because they’re nearly always far too loud – I think dining out is about talking to people and not just eating, however good (or otherwise) the food might be. In Kura’s case the music level is just right. Loud enough to hear clearly if you want to listen but not amplified so that you can’t hear yourself speak.
This video is part of a performance at Club Raro in Rarotonga at a recent 'Divas in Paradise' show.
‘Divas in Paradise’ was organised by Motone, the same people who brought ‘Opera in Paradise’ to Rarotonga earlier this year. Two local singers (Kura and Tara Kauvai) joined overseas artists Bella Kalolo, Julia Deans and Ladi6 for sets at Club Raro. There was an excellent turnout, both locals and visitors, of all ages and all intent on having a good time.
It’s great having a diverse range of overseas performers here in Rarotonga. Motone is doing a good job bringing them here.
I’m looking forward to the next show.